
Joint Pricing and Matching for City-Scale Ride-Pooling

We learn how to price in ride-pooling (UberPool) while taking into account the matchings the pricing system induces.

FairVizARD: A Visualization System for Assessing Fairness of Ride-Sharing Matching Algorithms

We create a visualization to allow various stakeholders to evaluate the tradeoffs associated with multi-party fairness in the Ride-Pooling (Uber) ecosystem.

Data-Driven Methods for Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Ride-Pooling

We evaluate the efficacy of two different strategies of enforcing fairness in ride-pooling.

Neural Approximate Dynamic Programming for On-Demand Ride-Pooling

We add future information to ride-pooling assignments by using a novel extension to Approximate Dynamic Programming.

My Ride-pooling Journey

A blog post about the joyride my paper 'Neural Approximate Dynamic Programming for On-Demand Ride-Pooling' took me on.